Friday, September 28, 2007

The curse of Facebook.

This phenomenon called Social Networking took a long, really long, time to creep up on me!
First, I have an utter dislike for sites where I have to fill in endless details about myself and whatever.
Second, I hardly have the attention span to keep up with that turf, upload pictures, update the mood swings?. All that stuff, to me seems like it would take a lot of time, and I simply was lazy maybe to jump on the wagon.
Thirdly, I figured, if you needed to get in touch with me, you'd know my email address or phone number. The beauty about the email is that, if you tired of someone, you could spam them and forget they ever wrote you something!! Or maybe smile coyly the next time you meet and say,"Oh, I stopped using that address! I still have your email, I'll send you my new one." And then you never get round to sending it.

I could say this, albeit with abit of villag-er in me, that my profiles on Hi5 and Facebook have been the concerted efforts of people like Bryan and Shulin, who were probably getting ashamed. So I gave them my ID and password and they'd do whatever. However, the few emails I sent, are always written by me.

So, I can say, that the phenomenon of Facebook is on me! Earlier this week, when I had to spend nearly the whole night in the office, doing boring and frustrating work, I found solace in Facebook- the great comforter!
I pimped my profile, added applications, looked at friends, answered requests and even posted a mood!! Heck, I had a mood swing that I posted online!
Since that evening, I catch myself signing into my account like three times a day and doing what these facebook- ers do on the site!

Shu, Nat, Bryan- I've joined Facebook! I've styled up!

Enjoy graduation weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

War of words.

For the observant, you'll notice that this blog has undergone three blog title changes in a period of a few months.
Reason, I would say, This Musoga and I have been having a cold war with all the characteristics. Across continents, each keeping up their front and minimum talk on the subject. The war is about, the blog title!
It was first This Musoga while it was his alone. Then when I joined the fray it got changed to Seven Seas. As of last week, it was re- baptised my darling judith.
So, I quickly suggested we find a new name as I was uncomfortable with the focus on one of the names because it revealed too much identity. It was something that people got confused about the identities of Elit and Mama and Papa and This Musoga!!
Well, now maybe we have to bring our woes to Blogger.
So, in the spirit of defeat that I concede,
I invite suggestions on what we should name our blog!

Two months ago when Himself went back, it was he that had the problem of floods and I guess questions whether his house was under water!
Now, the rains shifted focus and they are on this side of the world. And now I have to deal with the questions of whether my village is among the flooded areas.
In Himself's words, "Despite popular belief, my home is not flooded"- If only for a while, maybe?!

Have a great one.