10.52 am.Thinking of waking up The Boyfriend, gots to go to work in about an hour. Someone's got to make the dough, you know.
Ha ha ha!The grass is being mowed over here and my nose has issues with all the action. I'm trying out some new medication for it, and it works like magic. In less than 5mnins, my nose has stopped running and eyes are no longer tearing.
Small musingsToday morning, I went to the supermarket to pick a few things. Why am I writing this here. See, I take these guys brand new money, as in it's probably off the mint, and the change I get are filthy notes. I'm proudly a banker's daughter, meaning I somehow always have clean and lots of changed cash.
We had this joke in high school. Some guy whom we called Boogie man, would literally slap people with money. So one day, he's joking around and gets a note from me and slaps me with it. Result: A bloody gash across my cheek. This probably brought a new meaning to "slap you with money"
Whenever, I get such money, judging our hands habits- poking noses, touching whatever and the varoius sources of the money- socks, bras(read Max's blog), one has cause to detest getting such money. As money knows no discrimination, my idea is to spend that dirty cash.
So what did I do with the dirt change- I left it there knowing I'll soon go back to pick up other things. They have it, they might as well keep it.
It's about 16 days to chistmas. Me, I don't be feeling it this year. Probably because my holiday will be short- lived, I don't know. Am usually not that excited atleast am interested. This time, don't know.
I was joking with my mum yesterday, that atleast am in this village where the preparations haven't reached peak. If I was in town, hearing all those carols, seeing people dashing right and left, I'd probably admit myself to Butabika!
Am listening to Fat Boy on Sanyu. This guy realy cracks me up. When he's funny, he's good and when he's sarcastic, you thank God you are not the subject of his sarcasm (That is if you are not the person in question). Ask Ssebagala.
Am on
MSN and on shopping they are talking about "Perfumes she's sure to like". I'm fascinated with Prada and Devils.(Make sure you read or watch The Devil Wears Prada). This is one of my favourite books and Meryl Streep is a good actress. The
perfume also sounds good, by the raves the sampler has given.
There's this theatrical group in Uganda called The Ebonies who roll out plays almost at the same rate a kitchen roll runs out at Tipsy's in Wandegeya. One thing that has plagued my mind is the titles of their plays. Who ever comes up with such bogus names? Last year, my sisters and I decided to have a collection of Ugandan things that are off. I clearly remember The Ebonies things topping that list. They've got names like something conondrum and other equally mind- boggling names. I would like to know the person who came up with the idea that their new theatre shoud be
La Bonita. According to my searches "La bonita" means a beatiful woman. The picture in the above article sure does not look anywhere near a woman.
Am out of here, placing all my thoughts here, may not have anything to post on my blog.
Bye bye.