man its been a terrible 24 ( not the series)
this musoga gets it confused
the first lady dropped a bomb but between me and her we worked it out dangerous but late last night i must have written 5 posts to drafts but i could publish them , i have trouble expressing my self , or getting others to understand me ( so i just became sarcastic ) any way this bagged me so much i could sleep till about 4 . and the bloodly alarm was going off at 7:45 was in no mood for work .
lets give this ugandan a sweet ( he wont notice the traffic cone while we rim him !!!) dont get me wrong but any one below middle management know they are being stuffed it part of the contract you signed . its been going on for a while but today it just touched a wrong nerve ,
i mean i work for you all day and all you can come up with for an incentive is a pack of sweets . anyone in Kampala parent know that thats what you get for getting a 4 , i make the company £120 and all i get is 5 pound worth of quality street which i don't like man that was a big traffic cone.
fine lets settle the beef
call wifey up cant really afford it but man but i dont want to be putting my stuff in the box to the left , to the left
<put conclusion here >
1 comment:
Me I like Quality Street. So DHL?
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