Wednesday, December 06, 2006

This is probably the first day this month, that the sun's been out since morning where I am. It it so summery bright and the sky's that blue. Makes you want to pull out the shorts and sandals except for the thought that the weather guys said the rains would continue till next year.
What else is happening on my end of the world.......

Let me kill you.
I was sitting in my class (it's called a lab) and this person walks to me. "Do you trust me?" They asked. Not missing a beat, I just said, I did. They pull their hands away from their body and there's Tobleron. That should be in capital letters!! Yesterday, I was telling someone, that I wanted Tobleron. And here it was, staring in my face. Then the person says, I want to kill you. Let me.
Kill me with what. Their niceness, so I see they are a different person.
Gosh, you've been in my class for three years and it's coming to the end of that and you are remembering to tie up a few strings? It's a case of a little too late.

My view right now
I can see my class mate, walking towards the lab. Laziness written all over his face, posture, walking style. Belly out- someone had a heavy lunch!!
Gotta go now, tease him about it.

1 comment:

I. Myte said...

Very fine blog indeed. Keep up the good work. Great chocolate that Toblerone, eh?