Tuesday, July 24, 2007

We were tagged

By Pea

According to the rules, we are to post eight random things about ourselves and then tag eight other people so they can do the same.

So here goes

1. We've been planning to go to the beach one of these days. But we still haven't made up our minds to actually go. Somehow, Entebbe is so far off!

2. We both have sisters with the same name.

3. Contrary to popular belief, we are both not in IT. I forget Himself's field. So much for memory.

4. We argue about cats. He likes them and wants to have a few; I hate them.

5. We also argue about F1. He roots for Kimi, I root for the winner whichever race it is.

6. Top Gear- Common Viewing.

7. He's a pork person, I'm more like fish.

8. Our cell phone numbers both end with -661. This was pure coincidence, that was only realised about a month ago.

So there it is.
We still have to agree on the eight others to tag.
We'll keep you posted.

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