Thursday, December 20, 2007

Escaping by the skin of my teeth.

With all the excitement that has been in Kampala the past two months- first CHOGM now it's a few days to Christmas, you'd think that everyone would be in euphoria- ville. Some people are so immune to this stuff, that at whatever opportunity, you've got to earn the dime.
When I came in today morning, I was reliably informed that I was to be traveling on the 29th. That has taken the award for the shock of the month! I really had to wriggle myself out of this one and I successfully did! But I had alot of explaining to do!
A while ago, in a phone conversation with Himself, he asked me what I was doing on the 29th. Silly me, I fell into that pit- that bottomless pit! I thought about it, then said, "Nothing"
Then I remembered! 29th is Himself's birthday! The shoe was on the other foot, it was me who forgot this time! Now I know how horrible feels like! I think, I'll try not to harrass This Musoga, if the opportunity of forgetting my birthday arises.
If I'd travelled, and forgotten before, I surely was going to take the prize!


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