Many people have been warning me that I may soon pick up Nigerian habits because of my daily interactions with them.
So far, I've stuck to my Ugandan ways and I think, their pronunciations of some words are tongue- twisting. But there's no escaping the heavy Os and they are really working up a sweat trying to pronounce Ugandan names. For instance, there's a Nalweyiso, Kyeyune, Agonzibwa. I think we've to tell them that sometimes it's easiest to call people by their first names. One of the directors has insisted my name's Nigerian. I've given up convincing him otherwise.
Basically, it's full scale comedy up in here!!
On Saturday, Puli and I went to a shop on Buganda Road that sells kitenges and such. Suprise suprise, the shop is owned and managed by Nigerians. After our initial giggles we got down to business with the attendant. And he goes,
"How may I be of service to you, mama?"
"Anything in particular you are looking for, mama"
We were just really amused by the 'mama', at this point.
So while we were making up our minds, he brings a book over. A customer's book so they can keep you in their contacts and get in touch with you when they've new stuff.
Anyhow, we list a number.
Then the killer came,
"So mama, let me be your papa"
I died. The effort of hiding our amusement was too much to handle. We simply burst out laughing in his face.
He didn't give up.
He continued, "Tell papa anything you want, mama"
My reply,
"I'll tell Papa what I want"
It was an effort walking out of the shop, they must've thought we were high on something!